Monday, February 3, 2014

An introduction

I'm Kristy. This space is my journey to reversing 30 years of cynicism and malcontent through writing. My goal is to write honestly and engagingly without taking myself too seriously. Apparently with the use of a lot of adverbs. I've been blogging in various locations for longer than I'd like to admit; despite the amount of time I've dedicated to the internet, I still really hate the word "blog."

There are a lot of ways I would describe myself. I am a feminist. I am a stay-at-home mother (yes, I believe a woman can be both). I'm an animal-advocate with a soft spot for dogs, especially my 8-year-old mutt Charles. I believe in human rights, women's reproductive rights, and racial-, gender-, and sexual-equality. I tell you this because they are topics you'll probably see in this space.

My background: I come from a small town in a small state. I graduated college, and moved to a city in the South with the man who would later become my husband. I developed my career in higher education, and earned my Master's degree. At the edge of an anxiety breakdown, I quit my high-level position for a job at a small web design company. When I was 6 months pregnant, the company folded; I've been unemployed ever since. We recently moved back to our home state and are adjusting to life with a toddler. Staying at home wasn't the life I originally saw for myself, but here we are for now.

I have a rated-R mouth. If I had to sum myself up in a shirt, it would be this one (with the inclusion of oxford commas, please):

This space will be home to pieces on various topics, including: book reviews, parenting, social commentary, politics, and general rambling. It's a work in progress. Discussion and comments are encouraged.

 I've always been a writer; now it's time to put the pen to digital paper.

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